
Planting our placenta We knew awhile back we wanted to plant our placenta. I say we, but really I was driving this decision and hubby has just come along from the ride. My research into who/want/how/where why is part of why I've decided to start this blog. This is a chance to record my tips and tricks of whats working (or not) as I am sure in 12 months time I won't remember half this stuff. As is in the title - it's just another new mom's blog. So, back to planting our placenta. My work had heard we were thinking of this and as a gift gave us a mandarin tree, potting mix and a large pot to do it as I had reservations about planting it on land we might leave (currently no plans to do this, but you never know). Living NZ I've come to learn the Maori have a deeply rooted (pun intended) culture of saving and planting the placenta. In fact the word for placenta in Te Reo (Maori) is Whenua which is the same word for land. Their tradition has the placenta planted o